Category “News”

New partnership with Griffith College Dublin

Hello All,   We are pleased to announce a cooperation agreement with Griffith College based in Dublin, this is an additional agreement on top of our already existing Bachelor offering with Steinbeis Business Academy. This provides all students who successfully graduate from Mode Design College and have the requisite English…


BA Qualification now available

Hello All,   Thought I would write a quick post to share the exciting news about the dual qualification we can offer our Students from October 2015.  In collaboration with Steinbeis Business Academy our students have the possibility to study the Business Administration (BA) – Fashion Management alongside our creative…


Sewing Machines are here

Hello All,   Been a little while since I blogged here but we have been very busy getting everything ready for the College opening in April.  Yesterday we received the delivery of the Juki sewing machines thanks to our friends from Konrad Busche GmbH so we thought we would post…


Our First Blog + New Module

Hello All,   First of all a massive thanks for visiting our website and hopefully you will find all the necessary information about our exciting new college. We have been working so hard getting everything ready for the big opening we haven’t had much chance to work on the website….
